Pickleball coach and student hitting a pickleball across the court.
Pickleball lessons can do wonders for your game. Victoria Radnothy

Come take a pickleball lesson with me

DALLAS, TX – Pickleball's general accessibility has definitely helped it become America's fastest-growing sport.

Anyone can pick up a paddle and play, which makes the game super attractive to people of all ages and skill levels

Honestly, the hardest parts are probably learning key tactics and strategies for play at higher levels and understanding the scoring system, which can be a bit confusing.

If you want to become a better player, though, taking a lesson or attending a clinic is important.

With that in mind, I enlisted the services of my hometown coach, Owen Mitchell.

With the Florida temperatures rising fast, we had to get to work at dawn, before it got too hot. 

I met him at the court sporting my new FILA shoes, and he let me play with one of his Engage paddles

Owen started the lesson with forehand and backhand dinking drills, just so he could see what he was working with.

He highly recommends that every player starts with a proper warmup that includes forehand and backhand dinking. Then, practice a few serves before the match begins.

“You don’t usually play too well in the first game if you aren't properly warmed up,”  explained Mitchell. “If you warm up, then you’re already in the game by the time the first serve is played.” 

The great thing about a lesson is that an experienced coach can quickly identify those pesky habits you’ve developed that you didn't think were even there. It could be that you’re too stationary and not moving your feet around enough, or that the angle you’re hitting the ball is off. 

For an unbiased person to help in that regard will only strengthen your skills in the long run.

We also worked on my serve, which was undoubtedly my weakest link. And after just a few swings and repetition, my yips might just have been squashed for good.

Coach and student posing with their pickleball paddles after lesson
Owen Mitchell and Victoria Radnothy after the pickelball lesson. Victoria Radnothy

While I did learn a lot and get some great tips and tidbits for drilling, what made the experience so enjoyable was the encouragement.

Some people respond well to being directly told what they’re doing wrong, and tough love is their love language, but I love positive reinforcement and feedback. 

Give me pickleball words of affirmation all day long. With encouragement, I’ll start playing like I’m the next Anna Bright in mixed dubs ready to dominate. 

And with Mitchell’s support and motivation, I left the lesson feeling confident about what I can accomplish on the 20x44 down the road. 

I couldn’t recommend a pickleball lesson enough.

The experience was a true success.