VAE Labs energy sprays lined up in order of their differet flavors: mocha, mango, and mint.
VAE Labs offers a healthy energy alternative with their energy sprays. VAE Labs

VAE Labs: Instant energy, anywhere

DALLAS, TX - Coffee is great. I’ll be real with you—I don’t drink the stuff, but going by the number of people who seemingly rely on it for their sanity, it seems like it’s great.

There are times, though, when it simply isn’t convenient to carry around a Cup of Joe, even when you need an extra energy boost.

Enter VAE Labs.

Started by two neuroscience students looking for a better way to handle balancing late nights of research with varsity athletics, the company produces energy sprays that are more convenient than coffee and provide a better and healthier boost than energy drinks.

VAE’s energy sprays boast zero calories, zero sugars, and no crash for the user. They’re also vegan, keto-friendly, and nut, gluten, and dairy-free.

Each spray contains 20mg of natural caffeine from coffee beans, and taking three sprays is the energy equivalent of consuming one cup of coffee.

Holding 45 sprays, each bottle is good for the energy equivalent of 15 cups of coffee.

That’s 15 cups of coffee, all within one tiny spray bottle.

The different flavors of VAE Energy Spray layed out side by side: mocha, mango, and mint.
VAE energy spray comes in three flavors: mocha, mango, and mint. VAE Labs

But, enough of me giving you information that you could easily find on the VAE Labs website.

Here’s what other folks had to say about the airborne energy alternative.

“I liked how I could just keep it in my pocket,” said Tanner Groff. “That made it super convenient, and the packet lasts a really long time.”

Apart from convenience, people also enjoyed the ‘fresh’ energy the spray provides that doesn’t make you crash later on.

“It’s a different feeling than an energy drink, and I was a fan,” said Gage Sepulveda. “They also don’t have a crash after a couple hours, which is great.”

With three flavors of spray (mango, mocha, and mint—see what they did there?), it’d be hard to find a flavor that doesn’t suit you.

You can learn more about VAE Labs products at their website.