Megan Fudge playing pickleball.
Megan Fudge competing for the Seattle Pioneers in 2023. Major League Pickleball

Barr, Fudge back into MLP mix at Challenger Level

DALLAS, TX - Susannah Barr and Megan Fudge will compete in Major League Pickleball once again.

To start off Waiver Period 1 at the Challenger Level, the California Black Bears acquired Barr to replace Emily Cederquist. Barr will now compete alongside Rafa Hewett, D.J. Young, and Amanda Hendry.


Just fifteen minutes later, the Chicago Slice used their pick to take Megan Fudge and replace Kelsey Grambeau. She'll join the squad also featuring Jack Munro, Allison Harris, and Brendon Long.


It might seem a little surprising to see Fudge back on an MLP team after she and Ryler DeHeart said back in March that they would be removing themselves from the draft pool due to scheduling issues, but she tweeted Tuesday that she’s back and available.

It didn't take long for GMs to notice.

Both Barr and Fudge bring with them a wealth of experience and should be welcome additions to the teams currently at the bottom of the MLP standings.