Anna Leigh Waters and Mari Humberg of the New Jersey 5s.
Anna Leigh Waters and Mari Humberg of the New Jersey 5s. Major League Pickleball

An in-depth preview of MLP Miami

Miami is the next and last regular season stop for MLP. It beings Thursday, with several playoff spots and important playoff positioning on the line. With so much riding on these final few matches, the level of intensity should be high.
Six teams make the playoffs, with the top two teams getting byes. St. Louis, Dallas, and Texas have completed all their matches, so they will not be in action in Miami. St. Louis and Dallas are in the playoffs, with Texas as a near-certain mathematical lock to make it. New Jersey, DC, and New York make up the remainder of the top six, with NJ certain to make the playoffs and DC and New York both controlling their own destiny. On the outside looking in are Arizona and Orlando, both with slim hopes to qualify. Carolina and LA will be in Miami but neither can make the playoffs. Columbus and Utah have been eliminated and are not in Miami.

New Jersey is in good position. They need to score seven points in their last five matches to ensure a first round bye. If they can get 13 or more, they will snag the top spot. New Jersey has one relatively easy match against LA. Their other four matches in Miami are against the playoff contenders (AZ, NY, DC, and ORL), so how New Jersey does in Miami will not only determine where New Jersey finishes, but will also heavily influence the playoff race for the other teams.
DC is likely to finish fifth. They have relatively easy matches against Carolina and LA, where DC will look to grab three points per match. DC’s other matches, against NJ, AZ, NY, and ORL, will heavily influence where those teams finish.
New York is the bubble team. They probably only need six points from their five matches in Miami. But, they will be an underdog in four of those matches. If they go 1-4 in Miami, either Arizona or Orlando could run them down for the last playoff spot.
Arizona and Orlando are in similar positions. Arizona enters play in Miami with two more points than Orlando, but Orlando has an extra match to play. Orlando and Arizona both play New York and they play each other. Those head to head matches will be critical.
There are key matches to watch each day. On Thursday, Carolina can play spoiler, with matches against Orlando and DC. The Carolina v Orlando match is key. If Orlando can get three points from that first match, it may set the tone for a successful weekend; if Orlando walks away with only one point (or even zero), their chances to make the playoffs will be almost nil.
On Friday, New York takes center stage early, leading off the day with matches against DC and Orlando. The NY v Orlando match is critical. If New York wins, even in a Dreambreaker, New York is likely in the playoffs and Orlando is out. If Orlando can win 3-1 or 4-0, and net all three match points, while denying any points to New York, then New York will be in trouble. Arizona will have their first Miami match on Friday, against New Jersey. It will be a tough task, but Arizona needs a win to build momentum.
On Saturday, the big match is Orlando v Arizona. It is hard to see a scenario where the loser of the match can recover. The match is basically a playoff elimination match. The intensity should be at max level for that face-off. Definitely a do not miss match.
Sunday will close MLP Miami. By Sunday, we will have a good picture on the playoffs.  New York v Arizona leads off the day, in another must win match, this time for Arizona. Miami MLP will close with New Jersey v Orlando. It is conceivable that this last match will determine if Orlando makes the playoffs and if New Jersey gets a first round bye.
After Miami will come the first round of the playoffs, beginning November 1 in Dallas. It looks like St. Louis and New Jersey will get the byes and not have to play in Dallas. St. Louis has been solid all year. Anna Bright, Hayden Patriquin, Gabe Tardio, and Kate Fahey is a great squad, sending out four solid doubles teams and a good Dreambreaker unit. New Jersey, with Anna Leigh Waters, Mari Humberg, Will Howells, and Zane Navratil, has been more reliant on Dreambreaker wins, as their second mixed doubles pair has been somewhat shaky. Waters has had the best record all year of any player, but what has made this team go is the success of Howells. He was picked late, but has given New Jersey top 15 play. Getting a player of this quality late in the draft has been the key to New Jersey’s success. Right now, Howells is battling for regular season MVP, with Waters and Bright.
MLP Miami will be an exciting close to the MLP regular season. Tune in to catch all the action.
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